Сабақ жоспары(english)

Plan /7th form/ 2014-2015 /68 hour /


                               The  theme Date hour          Grammar Vocabulary    Home task Notes
  І term (18 hour)
    Unit1.Education. ( 14 hours. )
1 Step  1.   Getting to know each other. 1 Present  Perfect  Tense with since, for. Talking about dislikes. Ex.16p.13
2 Step  2.  English  is my favorite  subject. 1 Present  Perfect with since, for. Talking about the places they have visited. Ex.19p.19
3 Step  3. Having friends. 1 Present  Perfect  Tense with since, for. Adjectives describing friends. Ex. 12 p.22
4 My friend has been reading since morning. 1 Present Perfect  Continuous Tense Talking about schools in Kazakhstan. Ex.20
5 Schools in Kazakhstan.    1  Prepositions, Past Simple. Talking about schools in Kazakhstan. Ex.14
6 Secondary education. 1  Conditional sentences.. Words connected with schools. Ex.8
7 Schools in  Britain. 1 Present Simple Talking about schools in  Britain. Ex.12
8 Comparing the systems of  education in Great Britain and Kaz-n.   1 Complex  Object. Talking about schools in  Britain  and Kaz-n. Ex .7
9 Having pen friends. 1 Present Perfect  Continuous Tense Writing letters Writing letters
10 My school day. 1 Reported speech. More adjectives describing your day. Write about your day.
11 Speaking about schools 1 Prepositions Speaking about schools Ex.9
12 Schools of future. 1 Future Simple Write  about your imaginary school. Write a short text.
13 Test
14 Correction  work
    Unit 2 .The  living world.  ( 18 hours )
15 Step.1 About animals. 1 Present   Simple  Tense Describe animals. Ex.4p.14
16 Step 1 Animal life in Great Britain . 1 Present   Simple  Tense Words connected with animals.
17 Test
18 Revision.Correction work
  II term (14 hour)             
1 Step 2. Life in the desert. 1 Present   Simple  Tense Words connected with animals and plants. Ex.17p.14
2 Step 2. Omar’s album. 1 Can, have to Talk about animals and reptiles. Ex.15 p.49
3 The ocean world:  Whales. 1 Can, have to Describe ocean world. Ex .12p. 52
4 Step  3.animals are in danger. 1 The degrees of comparison of adjectives. Talk about danger. Ex.13p.54
5 Step  3.   “Do you know that?Protecting nature.( 131, messages. ) 1 Present Perfect Tense Talk about birds. Ex. 20 p.55
6 Step 4.  The green world. 1 Present   Simple  TensePresent Perfect Tense Talk about trees. Ex.17 p.59
7 Step 5.Living plants. 1 Present   Simple  TensePresent Perfect  Continuous Tense Talk about plants. Ex.17p63
8 Test 1
9 Typical   animals of Kazakhstan. 1 Present   Simple  TensePrepositions. Using topical vocabulary. Ex.10p.125.
10 Speaking about Kazakhstan. 1 Present   Simple  TensePrepositions. Words connected with  geography. Ex.12 p.126
11 What do you think?(p.125,7grade new) 1 Present   Simple  Tense. Talk about the climate. Ex.8p.126
12 Typical  animals of Great Britain (115,8grade, old) 1 Present   Simple  Tense.Perfect  Passive. Using topical vocabulary. Ex.10 p.116
13 Great Britain. It’s geography.(p.117, 8grade, old) 1 Present   Simple  Tense.Perfect  Passive. Talk about geographical position o G.B. To learn words.
14 Test    1
  III term (20 hour)             
  Unit 3. Eating . Shopping. ( 9 hours ).
1 Step 1.Eating in Britain 1 Plural nouns: -s ,-es. Countable and uncountable nouns much/many. Talking about British and Kazakh  eating. Ex.19
2 Step 2 School canteen. 1 Passive Voice, There is/there are. Articles: zero, definite, indefinite. Talk about  school canteen. Ex.15
3 Step 3. Our  favourite  recipes. 1 Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. Writing recipe cards. Ex.14
4 Step 4. Table manners. 1 There is some/ there are not any. Are there any….?  Talk  about table manners. Ex.5p.88
5 Step 4 . Eating habits in your family. 1 Some ,any Words connected with eating. Ex. 6
6 Step  5. Shopping in Britain. 1 Numbers. Talk about different shops. Ex . 8 p.93
7 Step  5. Menu. 1 Present Simple. Write menu.
8 Test  yourself. 1
9 Correction  work 1
  Unit 4.Health    ( 9 hours )
10 Step.1 It really works! 1 Present   Simple  Tense Talk about illnesses.Parts of the body. Ex.8p.102
11 Step 2 .At the doctor’s.  1 Present   Simple  Tense  Revision  of  vocabulary  To make up the dialogue.
12 Treating a patient. 1 Should, have to, must, mustn’t Talk about illnesses and their treatment.  Ex.12.p.106
13 Step 3. Health problem. 1 The past Simple. Adverbs of frequency. Talk about visiting the doctor. Ex.14.p.110
14 Step  4.School  rules. 1 Modal verbs: should, have to, must. Talk about school rules. Ex.16.p.114
15 Step 5. What should you do to keep fit? 1 Should/shouldn’t Expressions of quality. Talk about keeping fit. Ex.10.p.117
16 Step5. Grammar: some/any, much/many, a few/a little, a lot of/ lot’s of. 1 some/any, much/many, a few/a little, a lot of/ lot’s of. Talk about  countable and uncountable nouns. Ex.6 p. 186
17 Test yourself 1
18 Revision. Correction work. 1
 Unit. 5  English speaking countries .                                ( 18 hours )
19 The United Kingdom.. ( p.152 ,600 устных тем.) 1 Present SimplePrepositions Talking about the  UK Ex .2 p.154 (600 устных тем.)
20 The USA. ( p.197 ,600 устных тем.) 1 Present Simple  PrepositionsArticle Talking about the  USA. Ex .2 p.200 (600 устных тем.)
  IY term ( 16 hour)             
1 Canada ( p.220 ,600 устных тем.) 1 Present Simple  Prepositions Talking about    Canada Ex .2 p.221 (600 устных тем.)
2 Australia ( p.223 ,600 устных тем.) 1 Present Simple Talking about   Australia Ex .2 p.224 (600 устных тем.)
3 New Z ealand ( p.232 ,600 устных тем.) 1 Present Simple Talking about New Zealand Ex .2 p.233 (600 устных тем.)
4 Ireland . About Ireland. ( p.234 ,600 устных тем.) 1 Present Simple Talking about  Ireland Ex .2 p.235 (600 устных тем.)
5 Test 1
6 Correction work. 1 Revision
7 System of Government of G.B. 1 Present Perfect Explain the meaning of the words. Ex.3 p.165
8 Parliament of G.B/ 1 Wh- questions. Answer  the questions. Ex.3 p.167
9 Cities of G.B.  London. 1 Discuss  the words. Answer  the questions. Ex . 2
10 A weekend in Manchester ( p.69 Messages.)Glasgow. (6Grade ,p.250 Starkov ) 1 Answer  the questions. Answer the questions.
11 Ch. Dickens.  ( 7 grade new.) 1 Past  Simple Talking  about outstanding people. Ex.4
12 W.Shakespeare. ( p.52 8 grade,new ) 1 Past  Simple Talking  about outstanding people. Ex.2
13 C . Doyle. 1 Past  Simple Talking  about outstanding people.
14 Test 1
15 Correction  work 1
16 Revision 1
  1. Ақжол Ахат

    Сабақтар пайдалы білімге толы екен қолданып көрсем деймн

  2. Айгерим

    Тамаша,жарайсыз.Үлкен рахмет,жұмысыңыз алға баса берсін!

  3. Саламат

    Сиздин сабактарынз коп пайдалы

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