The Tale Mary and Three Bears
Цель: На основе русской сказки разучивать с детьми английские песни,
Закреплять изученные лексические единицы и речевые структуры;
Учить сочувствовать и помогать окружающим; создавать хорошее настроение.
Декорация: деревья, цветы, грибы; интерьер комнаты медведей: диван, стол, три стула.
Реквизит: три миски, три чашки, три ложки разных размеров; корзинка, грибы; костюмы и маски для медведей; сарафан и платочек для девочек; плед для укрывания.
Часть І
Заяц:Put ears on the top. Listen attentively. We will show you the wonderful tale.
Заяц: In the fairy magic forest lived friendly family father, mother, baby.
В комнате три медведя: папа, мама и Мишутка. Медведи представляются:
Папа:Hello! I’m Father Bear.
Мама: Good morning! I’m Mother Bear.
Мишутка: Hi! I’m Baby Bear.
Хором: We are a family of three bear.
Мишутка поет:
This is my father
This is my father
This is my father
I love him so much
So much,
I love him so much.
This is my mother
This is my mother
This is my mother
I love her so much
So much,
I love her so much.
Папа и Мама медведи поют:
This is our Baby
This our Baby
This is our Baby,
We love him so much.
So much,
We love him so much.
Мама: Father Bear, Baby Bear
Let’s have dinner.
Папа Мишутка: With pleasure.
Медведи садятся за стол.
Папа: My porridge is hot!
Мама: My porridge is hot too!
Мишутка:Oh, it’s hot, hot, hot!
Мама: Then, let’s go for a walk.
Папа: With pleasure.
Медведи уходят и поют:
We’ll go round the mountain,
We’ll go round the hill
We’ll go round the river
And then we’ll come back.
Часть ІІ
Идет девочка, собирает грибы и поет:
Flowers here,
Flowers there,
Flowers growing
Видит дом: Oh, what a nice house.
Who lives in this house?
Knock, knock. Hello!
Is anybody home?
Nobody is in.
Подходит к столу:
Oh,this is porridge.
Радостно поет:
I want to eat this porridge,
I want to eat this porridge,
I want to eat this porridge,
And drink the apple juice.
Девочка пробует кашу и чашек:
-This porridge is hot,
-This porridge is hot too.
-Mmmm, it’s good.
Oh, I want to sleep.
Ложится на диван и засыпает.
Часть ІІІ
Медведи возвращаются домой.
Поют: We walked round the mountain,
We walked round the hill,
We walked round the river,
And then came back.
Заходят домой:
Папа: I’m hungry
I’m hungry too
Мишутка поет:
I want to eat my porridge,
I want to eat my porridge,
I want to eat my porridge,
And drink my apple juice.
Медведи садятся за стол, начинают есть:
Мишутка: My bowl is empty. Where is my porridge?
Папа: No porridge! Sh-Sh-Sh! Somebody is in the house.
Let’s have a look.
Медведи встают за стол и осматривают комнату.
Мишутка: Mummy, Daddy come quickly. Look! It’s a girl.
Мама: What a nice girl.
Девочка просыпается.
Папа: What are you doing here?
Девочка:I’m sorry. I’ve lost.
Мама:Poor little girl.
Папа: Don’t cry. I’ll help you.
Мишутка поет:
What is your name?
What is your name?
Now tell me please,
What is your name?
My name is Mary.
My name is Mary.
My name is Mary,
That’s my name.
Мишутка: My name is Teddy.
Папа: Mary, I’ll show you the way. Let’s go.
Девочка:Thank you very much.
Мишутка: Good-bye, Mary,
Good-bye, Mary,
Good-bye, Mary,
Good-bye, Good-bye to you.
Девочка поет:
Good-bye, Teddy.
Good-bye, Teddy.
Good-bye, Teddy.
Good-bye, Good-bye to you.
Заяц:Good heart, love and care help them make friends.
Заяц:Here fairy tale ends, and who listened good for you.
The more we are together
The more we are together
together together
The more we are together
Happier we are
For my friend is your friend
And your friend is my friend
Сказка заканчивается, участники выходят к зрителям и кланяются.
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