We are all different, we are the same

Күні: 21.01.15

Сабақтың тақырыбы:We are all different, we are the same

Сабақтың мақсаты: To present  pupils  aboutNational Assembly  of


To develop pupils’ habits in speaking, listening, and to

check their understanding

Educational — formation of respect for foreign language and

culture of other nations; developing the ability to actively

and work productively in a team

karaneeva-ainurСабақ әдісі:         Competition

Пән аралық байланыс: Kazakh, History

Сабақ барысы:

Good morning boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Today we are having an open lesson. The theme of our lesson is: “We are all different, we are the same ”. Today we are going to speak about nationality. Because this year isdeclared  year of the National Assembly  of Kazakhstan. Let`s start our open lesson.

The first round of our lesson is  presentation of the group. You are given 2 minutes.

The second round is questions. I give you questions about National Assembly  of Kazakhstan. Each group must answer the questions. If they can`t do it the second group may answer and the point will be given to them.

1.     Who is the chairmanof the National Assembly  of Kazakhstan.?2.     How many members are there in the Assembly at the moment?(350)3.     When was the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan  about the formation of the National Assembly  of Kazakhstan set up?(1st of March in1995)4.     When was the law “National Assembly  of Kazakhstan”signed by the President of Kazakhstan?(20th October in 2008)5.     How many nations and nationalities live in Kazakhstan?(130)6.     What year has been declared  “The year of the National Assembly  of Kazakhstan”?(2015)

  1. HowmanyrepresentativesofethnicgroupsliveinKazakhstan? (100)

8.     How many schools are being taught in different national language in our country?(214)

  1. Whatcreatesforfinancialsupportethnoculturalassociations?(The social fundsof Assembly)
  2. How many members of the Majilisrepresent the interests of all ethnic groups of the country?(9)

11.                How many regions have  the House of Friendship?(10)

  1. How many nationalities live in Taldykorgan?(70)

The third roundis presentation of nations.The fourth roundis video interview

Good afternoon!Next week there will be a decade of English on the topic“The country connecting people” in our school. As you know, this year is the Year of National Assembly  of Kazakhstan. And so we would like to know your opinion about the National Assembly  of Kazakhstan. What can you say about this? Is it necessary tohave  National Assembly  of Kazakhstan? Why was this Assembly formed? Please can you answer to these questions  in your native language.

The fifth round is proverbs and sayings about nations and nationalities.

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